I'm going to share my dreams.
When I was a child, I wanted to be an architect. Why? Because my father told me if an architect was cool. Since then I wanted to be an architect. Precisely since I was in playgroup until junior high school, but when I was in senior high school I wanted to continue my education in FTI ITB. I think it didn't appropriate my goal to become an architect. So I would think about it again.
My dream for now is not RMP or SP and the results of my study during the first half didn't disappoint, but now I got RMP in English. My English is bad, precisely in vocabulary and grammar. I can't speak or write English well, but I know what it means. I have been trying to improve my english with joined English course and watched movies without subtittle or used English subtitles. Maybe I less in practice. Because I like traveling, I want to travel around the world. To go round the world we should be able to speak English, right? Because English is the international language. But my English? Hmm, I must try to brave speak English would it true or not.
I want to make my parents proud of me and don't make them disappointed to me. I want to continue my education at the famous university in Bandung, namely ITB. To continue education there, I want to get the invitation. So, I have to do is study hard and spirit, don't forget to pray to God, filial to parents, and don't be lazy. But my bad habits are lazy, but in order to achieve my dream that I would change the bad habits because "People who smart but lazy will lose with the people who mediocre but diligent" I still remember what my father said to me.
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Enjoy guys .
A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White. When the queen died, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.
Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw her at work and fell in love with her.
The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic Mirror, "Who is the fairest in the land?" and the mirror always answered, "You are the fairest one of all".
But one day the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.
The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn't do the deed so told her to run away. She fled into the woods where Seven little dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange.
Snow White entered the little house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up. Upstairs she found seven little beds. She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds, was soon asleep.
When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them.
The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.
Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.
Source: http://www.overplayers.org.uk/html/snowstory.html
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Interview someone
On Tuesday, at 1 p.m Adhisya and I interviewed someone for doing our assignment. So, we went to Bazaar SMAN 3 Bandung to interview. We began with greeted and asked about the merchant's life. Her name is Mrs. Ai. She is 30 years old. We asked about her jobs now and she answered her job as a merchant of beverage and pancake. Her husband's job is a parking man in Ciwalini Street. We asked why she choose that job, she answered because it was like what Nabi Muhammad SAW said according to Muslim religion. Trading was halall job. Oh my god, we thought that was a good answer, because it connected to religion. We continued to ask about her omzet from beverage and pancake, she said if that Uncertain, the merchant sometimes got much or less. We asked her again whether that has been fulfilled her life or no, she said that human have never satisfied, so she just feel grateful about it. Wow that was the wise answer. Next we said if we almost everyday looked her always bring your daughter on her job and we asked if that disturb her jobs or not, she said No, because the mother is better to be a housewife . So,it doesn't disturb her. In the private sector she can not bring the child to work. In here she can do so, thank God here . Besides that the students here are so happy to keep and play with her daughter. So she is very grateful. We think she is the good mother, the good wife. She is the hero, she never complain about herself. So why we always complain about our self? she can do her self why we aren't? Change your self to be better than before.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
My Friend biography
Hello, now I back with my new post that is about my friend autobiography,
her name is adhisya salma khairunnisa. Anyone calls her chacha, chacha is the name of candy right? Haha just kidding. She's moeslim. Chacha is the first daughter. She has one little brother and one little sister. She was born in Lucy Hospital Bandung, West Java, Indonesia on 10th of July 1999, exactly at 12.15 am. She is younger than me, but she is taller than me also slimmer than me argghh😒 her weight just 42 kilogram and her height ±160cm I think it's ideal body huhu. Chacha has black eyes and also curved eyebrows. She has short-black hair, with cute bangs that's divided two. She always wear a blue Baby-G watch, maybe that's her favourite. I like her pink-purple-cute bag. Her favorite singer is Ariana Grande. Chacha is the one of the biggest fans of One Direction. She likes singing, and I think she also likes dancing. Because I ever seems her dancing wkwk. Chacha likes to reading some novels. She also like design, she want to be a designer product. Chacha likes Barbie, she collects almost all Barbie doll and movie. Chacha is a picky eater because she is lazy to chew. I think that's peculiar habitual. Every weekend, She usually go to the mall or with her family for refreshing. She's live in Bandung on Babakan Priangan VI Street No. 1. She's really wanted to continue her study to FSRD Design Product ITB and if God permit her,she wish she could studying abroad, especially to Switzerland or UK. Chacha was from 5 junior high school and now we're study at the same school that is 3 senior high school which is the one of favorite school in Indonesia.
her name is adhisya salma khairunnisa. Anyone calls her chacha, chacha is the name of candy right? Haha just kidding. She's moeslim. Chacha is the first daughter. She has one little brother and one little sister. She was born in Lucy Hospital Bandung, West Java, Indonesia on 10th of July 1999, exactly at 12.15 am. She is younger than me, but she is taller than me also slimmer than me argghh😒 her weight just 42 kilogram and her height ±160cm I think it's ideal body huhu. Chacha has black eyes and also curved eyebrows. She has short-black hair, with cute bangs that's divided two. She always wear a blue Baby-G watch, maybe that's her favourite. I like her pink-purple-cute bag. Her favorite singer is Ariana Grande. Chacha is the one of the biggest fans of One Direction. She likes singing, and I think she also likes dancing. Because I ever seems her dancing wkwk. Chacha likes to reading some novels. She also like design, she want to be a designer product. Chacha likes Barbie, she collects almost all Barbie doll and movie. Chacha is a picky eater because she is lazy to chew. I think that's peculiar habitual. Every weekend, She usually go to the mall or with her family for refreshing. She's live in Bandung on Babakan Priangan VI Street No. 1. She's really wanted to continue her study to FSRD Design Product ITB and if God permit her,she wish she could studying abroad, especially to Switzerland or UK. Chacha was from 5 junior high school and now we're study at the same school that is 3 senior high school which is the one of favorite school in Indonesia.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
The history of Mount Krakatau dates back far beyond the cataclysmic eruption of 1883. An ancient Javanese text called Pustaka Raja Purwa or Books of Kings recorded a far more extreme episode in the year 338 Sakaor, or 416 AD at the site of what was believed to be the current Krakatau Islands. The event was also believed to have changed the shape of the land.
“A monstrous rumbling sound was heard from Mount Batuwara which was followed by dark clouds, lightning and endless thunders. Soon after, great storm and devastating rain plunged the entire planet into total darkness. A massive flood came from Mount Batuwara flowing east towards Mount Kamula…….As the waters drowned the area, Java became divided creating the island of Sumatra”
Berend George Escher and several other geologists believe that the event mentioned in the text was the Ancient Mount Krakatau, which at the time was called Mount Batuwara. This Ancient Mount Krakatau was believed to have a height of 2000m above sea level with a diameter of approximately 11Km.
Ancient Mount Krakatau
The colossal eruption devastated three quarters of the Ancient Mountain and left a huge caldera at the Sunda Strait. The edges of the caldera sprung out of the sea and formed the small islands of Rakata, Sertung and Panjang. The eruption was said by many to have caused the pitch black century, which caused a drastic lowering of temperature and caused the Sampar Bubonic disease that drastically cut populations. Some even argue that the cataclysm brought an end to the ancient Persian Empire and Nazca civilization in South America. The eruption of the Ancient Krakatau was estimated to have lasted 10 days with the speed of volcanic matters reaching up to 1 million tons per seconds. The eruption was also believed to have formed atmospheric layers as thick as 20-150 meters and cooling global temperature by 5-10 degrees for 10-20 years.
David Keys, Ken Wohletz, and others postulate that the violent volcanic eruption, possibly of Krakatoa, may have been responsible for the global climate changes that occurred in 535AD, instead of 416AD.
Rakata, which was one of the three remaining islands of the Ancient Mount Krakatau grew over the years as a result of the volcanic activity inside the earth and formed Mount Rakata (or some called it Krakatau). Subsequently, two other volcanoes emerged from the Caldera namely Mount Danan and Mount Perboewatan. The three volcanos eventually merged into what became Mount Krakatau.
The 1883 Krakatau Cataclysm
Early in the morning of May 20, 1883, the captain of the German warship Elizabeth reported seeing an 11-km-high cloud of ash and dust rising above the uninhabited island of Krakatau. Over the ensuing two months, crews on commercial vessels and sightseers on charted ships would experience similar spectacles, all of which were associated with explosive noises and churning clouds of black to incandescent ash and pumice. From a distance, the largest of these natural fanfares impressed the local inhabitants on the coastal plains of Java and Sumatra, creating a near-festive environment. Little did they realize that these awe-inspiring displays were only a prelude to one of the largest eruptions recoded vividly in history.
On Sunday, August 26, at 12:53 p.m, Krakatau delivered the opening salvo to a climactic eruption that would last throughout the evening of August 27. The initial blast generated an ear-shattering fusillade accompanied by black churning cloud of volcanic debris that rose quickly to 25 km above the island. Over the next several hours, it would widen dramatically to the northeast, rising to a height of at least 36 km.
On the following day, Monday, August 27, the frightening display of volcanic power would culminate in a series of at least four stupendous eruptions that began at 5:30 a.m., climaxing in a colossal blast that literally blew Krakatau apart. The noise was heard over 4600 km away, throughout the Indian Ocean, from Rodriguez Island and Sri Lanka in the west, to Australia in the east. Two-thirds of the island collapsed beneath the sea into the underlying, partially vacated magma chamber. About 23 square kilometers of the island, including all of Perboewatan and Danan, subsided into a caldera about 6 km across. At an original height of 450 m, Danan had collapsed to depth of 250 m below sea level. The eruption is still recorded up to this day as the loudest sound ever heard in the world in modern history.
The combined effects of pyroclastic flows, volcanic ashes, and tsunamis had disastrous results in the region. The official death toll recorded by the Dutch authorities was 36,417 casualties, although some sources put the estimate at more than 120,000. There are numerous documented reports of groups of human skeletons floating across the Indian Ocean on rafts of volcanic pumice and washing up on the east coast of Africa, up to a year after the eruption.
The eruption again destroyed the mountain and left remnants in the small islands of Rakata, Sertung, and Panjang. In 1927, in the center of the sea caldera rose a new mountain that was later dubbed as Anak Krakatau or the child of Krakatau. The newly”born” mountain continues to grow at an average rate of five inches (13 cm) per week equates to an average growth of 6.8 metres per year. The island is still active, with its most recent eruptive episode having begun in 1994.
On Saturday 27th September 2014 there was a Mastwapati. Matswapati is sundanese themed cultural festival event that presented by SMAN 3 Bandung to commemorate bandung's birthday.
The first show was a parade, there were a lot of children in the parade that wore Jawa Barat costumes for represented their school but some JHS in bandung following the event too and for SHS just SMAN 3 Bandung. Next the opening was opened by wali bandung mayor, Ridwan Kamil. After that, greeting from headmaster and the leader of the event.
Then a lot of jawabarat performances like jaipong traditional dance, calung, reog, pencak silat, wayang golek, saung angklung udjo, indonesia bamboo community, samba sunda. In matswapati there were many performances from artistry extracurricular sman 3 bandung like KV'3,MK,KPA,T'ST then finally the guest star is Barsena and Glenn Fredly. Barsena is the finalist and the winner of agnez academy, I was shocked when i knew that barsena was a vocal teacher of KV' 3 but I believe that. When Glenn Fredly performed all of audience was screaming out loud. His performance was very interesting. He sang a lot of songs like "terserah" "hikayat cinta" and many more. And he shared his experience that he usually read the newspaper every morning so that he always up to date about Indonesian news. He told us if we were have a good leader of bandung. He told us if we were have a good leader of bandung. he rejected indirect elections because it will erase our right to choose for a leader directly. He told us to raise our hands and said "huuu" if we had the same thought with him. He made us enjoy the event with his voice and his band.
The first show was a parade, there were a lot of children in the parade that wore Jawa Barat costumes for represented their school but some JHS in bandung following the event too and for SHS just SMAN 3 Bandung. Next the opening was opened by wali bandung mayor, Ridwan Kamil. After that, greeting from headmaster and the leader of the event.
Then a lot of jawabarat performances like jaipong traditional dance, calung, reog, pencak silat, wayang golek, saung angklung udjo, indonesia bamboo community, samba sunda. In matswapati there were many performances from artistry extracurricular sman 3 bandung like KV'3,MK,KPA,T'ST then finally the guest star is Barsena and Glenn Fredly. Barsena is the finalist and the winner of agnez academy, I was shocked when i knew that barsena was a vocal teacher of KV' 3 but I believe that. When Glenn Fredly performed all of audience was screaming out loud. His performance was very interesting. He sang a lot of songs like "terserah" "hikayat cinta" and many more. And he shared his experience that he usually read the newspaper every morning so that he always up to date about Indonesian news. He told us if we were have a good leader of bandung. He told us if we were have a good leader of bandung. he rejected indirect elections because it will erase our right to choose for a leader directly. He told us to raise our hands and said "huuu" if we had the same thought with him. He made us enjoy the event with his voice and his band.

Sorry I can't share a lot of stories in matswapati because i can't express it with words. I was really enjoy that.
Hello, my name is Raden Irfani Hasya Fulki my friends calls me Fani. I'm fifteen years old. I was born on 16 March 1999 in Bandung. I'm studying at SMAN 3 Bandung. I'm the X grade. Now I'm class X IPA 1.
I'm the first child on my family. I have one brother, his name is Abhinaya. He's ten years old. Now he's in the fifth grade on elementary school. I have a good father, his name is Defi. He's forty-nine years old. He is the best father for me and my brother and the best husband for my mom. I have a beautiful mother, her name is Sri. She's thirty-nine years old. She's good in cooking. Although we are a little family but we still compact. I love my little family.
I live in Bandung. Bandung is the capital city of West Java, It has fresh and cool air but sometimes the temperature is hot. Bandung developes into a metropolitan city now. There are many malls, offices, residences etc.
My hobby is swimming, since I was four years old I had already taken swimming course in centrum swimmingpool, before centrum become a ballroom now.
I'm the first child on my family. I have one brother, his name is Abhinaya. He's ten years old. Now he's in the fifth grade on elementary school. I have a good father, his name is Defi. He's forty-nine years old. He is the best father for me and my brother and the best husband for my mom. I have a beautiful mother, her name is Sri. She's thirty-nine years old. She's good in cooking. Although we are a little family but we still compact. I love my little family.
I live in Bandung. Bandung is the capital city of West Java, It has fresh and cool air but sometimes the temperature is hot. Bandung developes into a metropolitan city now. There are many malls, offices, residences etc.
My hobby is swimming, since I was four years old I had already taken swimming course in centrum swimmingpool, before centrum become a ballroom now.
Say Hello To me:)
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